Search Results
I was 3-Way contested. Then I hit this BEFORE anybody rolled down.
3-Way contested but this Augment gave me Mr. 100 so I waited patiently. Then I 3 Starred EVERYTHING.
I Challenged Travis Pastrana To Backyard Gymkhana
Family Guy - Police sketch artist #familyguy #petergriffin #sketchart
Ever since they turbo buffed melee GP I wanted to make him work. Here's my best attempt.
I finally tried the hilariously broken Lone Hero Lux Comp. Yep, this is 100% getting nerfed.
As I was about to roll down for an S Tier Comp, I hit the BEST Prismatic Combination in the game.
Phil Mickelson Challenged me to a Wedge Contest!
I challenged EVERY jiu jitsu belt (loser gets ice bucket)
You enjoy Reroll Comps but hate being contested on them? Here's one way to go about it.
I challenged a HEAD PRO at HIS OWN course (£1000 MATCH) | Ep.1 - England
This YOUTUBER Challenged Me, so I Went to HIS HOUSE...